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Trends, forecasts, changes? We’re on top of them.

The tax profession is constantly evolving. Attitudes change and the tax code changes even more. NAEA is at the forefront of what’s propelling the tax preparation industry. Our leaders and members are creative thinkers who love to help shape the future so that we work smarter and help our clients even more.

NAEA doesn’t just serve our members; we serve our industry. For decades in collaboration with other professional organizations such as the AICPA, we’ve been an essential partner in IRS Nationwide Tax Forums. Offered multiple times per year, these three-day events feature the latest insight from IRS leadership as well as tax law, compliance, and ethics experts. We are also active in the Coalition for Affordable Accounting, an initiative created to protect the rights of non-CPAs to practice during the UAA revision.

White Papers
Read the latest in-depth analysis with NAEA’s white papers on issues impacting the tax profession.
NAEA leaders are often called on to testify on many tax issues. Review excerpts from recent testimony to see what our leaders are saying in these critical forums.
Get the latest news on topics and trends critical to tax practitioners and their clients.