On March 26, House Ways and Means Oversight Chairman Lynn Jenkins (R-KS) and Ranking Member John Lewis (D-GA) released a discussion draft of proposed legislation to reform the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and our tax administration system. According to the Oversight Subcommittee’s discussion draft summary, the “Taxpayer First Act” is the culmination of more than eleven Oversight Subcommittee hearings and roundtable discussions held during the last three years on different topics and with varying viewpoints on how to improve and modernize the IRS. The discussion draft addresses issues raised during prior testimony and incorporates provisions from at least 18 different bills on reforming the IRS and tax administration.
Chairman Jenkins and members of the Oversight Subcommittee requested stakeholder comments on the discussion draft. NAEA was pleased with the opportunity to submit comments on the discussion draft on April 6, 2018, while also providing the Oversight Subcommittee with NAEA’s March 22, 2018 IRS reform recommendations on behalf of over 55,000 enrolled agents (EAs) nationwide.
NAEA’s April 6 comments on the Taxpayer First Act discussion draft can be found here.