April 16, 2008

Linda Stiff

Deputy Commissioner, Services and Enforcement
Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20224

Dear Ms. Stiff,

I write to follow up on an August 2007 request to change Form 2587 (Application for Special Enrollment Examination) to include a check box allowing applicants to voluntarily authorize the Office of Professional Responsibility to disclose their names and mailing addresses. The check box was included on the form prior to June 2006 and it was our understanding that this option would be reinstated. I now understand such change will not be made.

NAEA believes the check box is a benefit to both SEE applicants and to the Service. In the past, NAEA has used the voluntarily disclosed information to offer education and scholarships to applicants. These efforts have helped grow the ranks of enrolled agents, which we believe – and I hope you would agree – is beneficial to tax administration. It is also worth noting that the information of all applicants for enrollment to practice is automatically disclosed.

Last August, NAEA wrote OPR Director Michael Chesman to request that the checkbox be added back to Form 2587. In private conversations, Mr. Chesman has voiced no opposition to the change. Further, senior Prometric officials have also indicated that it would be easy to add the check box to the electronic form.

For the reasons mentioned above, I was surprised to learn of the Service’s decision not to return the check box back to Form 2587. I ask that you reconsider our request on its merits. Please let me know if the decision is final, and if there is any room to work with you on this issue.

I would also like to take this opportunity to share with you our appreciation for the strong partnership we enjoy with OPR in general and with Mr. Chesman in particular. Mr. Chesman and his senior staff are accessible and responsive. They are willing to listen to enrolled agent concerns and understand the challenges that EAs face in the marketplace.

I appreciate your further consideration. Should you wish to discuss this further, please call me or NAEA’s Senior Director, Government Relations, Bob Kerr at (202) 822-6232.


Susan Zuber, CAE
Executive Vice President

April 16, 2008