Join us for NAEA’s Biggest Event of the Year!
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Early bird pricing ends 2/28/2025!
NAEA is a mission-driven organization. It succeeds when committed, focused volunteer groups and staff work collaboratively to achieve the association’s objectives.
A 15-member Board of Directors serves as the governing body. It derives and constantly reassesses the association’s mission, vision, and goals, and assures the association operates consistently with long-held values. The board affirms the association’s purpose and priorities, clearly articulates strategic goals, and provides strategic direction and fiduciary oversight. All positions are elected by members.
The Board of Directors determines the committees necessary to further the aims of the association. Scores of volunteers serve on approximately a dozen committees. These volunteers represent the interests, needs, and perspectives of the membership and assist the association in promoting the interest of tax professionals and providing appropriate services to members.
On May 19, 2023, during its last board meeting, NAEA’s Board of Directors voted to put forth bylaws amendments that will remove NAEA’s dual membership with state affiliates and create a state chapter model. In addition, the board also approved the removal of the 30 hours CE requirement for all NAEA members and associates. These bylaws amendments will go to the membership for a vote in the fall.
Members can learn more about these changes here.