Join us for NAEA’s Biggest Event of the Year!
Salt Lake City, UT | July 28 – 30, 2025
Early bird pricing ends 2/28/2025!
We believe that ensuring the future of the industry is strong. And, that starts by encouraging tax professionals to build their leadership skills as well as take every opportunity that can help enhance their career path.
Founded in 2006, the Schuldiner/Smollan Leadership Academy (SSLA) is named for the two primary forces behind the creation of NAEA: Syd Schuldiner, EA, and David Smollan, EA. SSLA trains volunteer NAEA members to lead at the local, state, and national levels.Board members, committee chairs and other NAEA members in good standing who have demonstrated strong leadership qualities are eligible to attend, as well as any member who shows the potential to work at the national level.
In just two short days in an intimate setting that delivers true personal attention, SSLA provides organizational training in a variety of areas that are essential to both a member’s and NAEA’s success:
SSLA attendees also break out into small groups to explore practical exercise that replicates real-world situations. Once they’ve finished at SSLA, attendees return home to complete a project for their local organization.
“The overall experience was amazing! It allowed me to learn more about how to operate in the non-profit arena and also provided me with how other affiliates in the country are doing things. The best thing I got out of it was the project. I was able to learn how to do a strategic plan and then was able to turn it into a reality by chairing the committee for FSEA. It also allowed me to assist another member of FSEA, who attended SSLA in my class, with his project as both of our projects meshed perfectly. I was able to lead the committee to get this accomplished and in turn FSEA benefited by having a 3-year strategic plan. I also learned how to allow the committee members to do their thing without micro managing them. This gave FSEA a path to follow in our planning and goals. It will help you, your affiliate, and our association be stronger and more professional.”
Michael Carlisle, EA
Florida Society of Enrolled Agents (FSEA)
Class V
“When I attended SSLA I had no idea what to expect, but it was great. I made incredible friends, and I learned how I could help TNSEA be a stronger organization and how I could help NAEA. When you join an organization, it is often hard to find a place and to feel like you are really contributing to that organization. After attending SSLA I was empowered to help my state organization more and learned how to inspire other members to want to help also.”
Friday Burke, EA
Tennessee Society of Enrolled Agents (TNSEA)
Class XI